Today I'm taking a step back to look at my projects and goals. I have started working on Active Externalism  back in June to clearly lay out my goals, offload my mind and allow me to passively read through my thoughts.

I've been keeping a private journal since June and I have been refining the way my is organized and adds value to my life.

One thing I have learned in the past few months is that if there is something I want to do I can turn it into a project, this helps me map my mind to it and even if I don't have time for it it is there for me to review later. 

This ball got rolling a long while ago with a life crafting workshop. Which resulted in me changing a lot of aspects about my life, setting goals and creating a bucketlist. 

Back in June a colleague mentioned Obsidian to me as a way to offload the mind and a way to keep track of my goals, I started out by watching a YouTube video and I have been on it ever since.

I did switch to Trilium eventually because syncing notes in Obsidian  caused issues for me. (I switch between devices a lot during the day).