Memento mori
Memento mori - Remember to die. Reminds us that we all will die at some point and that it is inevitable. I was reminded about this when a friend passed away during a simple run.
The influence of our actions will always live on. With the digital age more than ever. I think we'll need to plan for when the inevitable happens. Even though this is a subject often avoided by many. I guess even for death failing to plan means planning to fail.
When we die we might want to pass specific information or control over to our loved ones. This project is to figure out all the things I need to make sure I have documented in case I am incapacitated. I won't share the outcome of this project but if you want to work on this for yourselves I'll leave some pointers which I hope will help.
A few things that are useful to document:
- A way to pass on passwords
- For example setting up an emergency contact for your password manager
- Access to cloud storage
- So loved ones can retrieve your pictures if you want. This is of course optional.
- Access to social media
- I'd like to at least disable social media accounts.
- Subscriptions
- Because they will need to be cancelled
- Some more practical things not necessarily digital
- Debts, possessions and wealth
- Insurances
- Wishes
Then there needs to be a way to make sure this information is not abused, if you where to write down all your passwords and instructions in a booklet there'd be a real issue if someone where to gain access to it when he shouldn't. (A burglar for example, or a “friend”.)